Since 1909, Napier Parkview has been reaching out to people like you in the Benton Harbor / St. Joseph area. Napier Parkview is affiliated with the North American Baptists, Inc.
Napier Parkview is located 1-1/2 blocks west of Colfax Ave. on Napier Ave. in Benton Harbor.

Napier’s Story
A spiritual vision for evangelistic outreach to Benton Harbor prompted the establishment of the First German Baptist Church. The new church, a project of members from the First Baptist Church of St. Joseph, was organized and established in 1909. A building was erected at the corner of Clay and Pavone Streets. The church joined the German Baptist Conference, now called the North American Baptist Conference. The first pastor was Ferdinand Wolter.

In 1917, under the pastorate of Jack Herman, the church was remodeled and expanded. This was followed by a period of rapid membership growth.
Gradually the German language was superseded by English. From 1947 to 1948, under the ministry of William Hoover, English became the official language of worship. The name was changed to Clay Street Baptist Church.
As membership increased, a much larger facility was required resulting in a move to the Fairplain area. Construction of a new sanctuary began May 12, 1957. The present edifice was dedicated in October, 1958, and the name then changed to the Napier Parkview Baptist Church.